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Reporters Without Borders: Fonts for Freedom

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More and more media organizations are censored or closed and journalists arrested. These are drastic measures taken by oppressive regimes to limit freedom of press. As a reaction Reporters without Borders Germany launched the campaign FONTS FOR FREEDOM, conceived by Serviceplan Campaign Hamburg to turn the fonts of prohibited newspapers into symbols of press freedom. Reporters Without Borders Germany reconstructed the house fonts of 9 newspapers banned by governments in Turkey, Azerbaijan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Tanzania, Hungary and Russia. Countries with a track record of suppressing freedom of press. The fonts were then given to major German newspapers like Süddeutsche, Die Welt, TAZ and Augsburger Allgemeine. They used the Fonts for Freedom on their title- and media pages along with matching topics. This way, every single daily became a symbol of press freedom. Further initiatives followed: Reporters Without Borders Germany launched a striking demonstration against one of the most notorious enemies of press freedom: Turkish president Erdoğan. When he visited Germany in 2018, he was confronted with billboards promoting press freedom as he left Berlin airport. The special: the confronting headlines where set in exactly the fonts of the newspapers he had recently banned.
Credits Other credits

Communications Officer: Daniel Schmidthaeussler

Managing Directors: Leif Johannsen, Patrick Matthiensen

Account Manager: Lennard Bahr

Digital Agency: Plan.Net Campaign Munich

Managing Director: Marcus Maczey

Account Manager: Marlene Ulmer

Media Agency: Mediaplus

Senior Consultant & Planner: Jonas Binder

Instant Waves,NHB Next, Sehsucht, Neverest

Sound Design/ Music: Supreme Music

Type Designer: bBox:

Anja Meiners, Ralph du Carrois

PR Agency: achtung!

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