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Metro News: Captcha 3This is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Metro Newspaper turns captcha into an anti-fake news tool.
Fake news has become a major issue worldwide. It’s capable of driving nations’ political paths and influencing elections. And to help fight this phenomenon, Brazilian agency Artplan and Metro Newspaper turned to technology. We all know captcha, that tool designed to check if you are a robot. But, at Metro’s website, it was redesigned. Instead of selecting random images, the user must select which image has a piece of fake news. After the answer, a brief explanation with the true fact appears and the user can move on to comment. Every day, a different piece of fake news was shown, keeping readers up-to-date. “Journalism is the true guardian of the truth. And everything that can be done to fight fake news is important” says Cláudio Bianchini, Brazil’s Metro president. Zico Farina, Artplan’s creative director adds that “using technology is the best way to fight fake news. And being able to redesign a tool like captcha is a way to use the system at our favor.” In order to use the tool, just access metrojornal.com.br e comment on any news. Credits Advertising Agency: Artplan, São Paulo, Brazil Creative Director: Zico Farina, Marcos Abrucio Art Director: Ary Nogueira Copywriter: Rafael Pascarella Customer Relation Management: Luiz Villano Production Management: Clariana Regiani RTVC: Karoline Justino, Patricia Oliva Production: Bruno Werner Customer Approval: Cláudio Bianchini, Luiz Rivoiro Producer: Bossa Nova Films Director of scene: Chico Gomes Executive Producer: Eduardo Tibiriça, Sandra Othon Assembly and Finish: Sefora Rios / Pluma Production Coordination: Valquiria Pacheco Customer Relation: Dani Harriz, Kiska Kaysel Sound Production: Cabaret
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