Guidelines for Boris: Boris The Brand, 1This is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Loath him or love him, Boris Johnson has somehow slipped into the top job in the United Kingdom. His political convictions are still unfolding -if indeed he has any – though his new role is creating plenty of debate around the country. It turns out Boris isn't even his real name, but that hasn’t stopped Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson creating a real brand for himself. Beneath the scruffy hair and crumpled suits, it’s a brand that’s been carefully crafted throughout his tenure as a journalist and years spent as a regular on political comedy shows like Have I Got News for You. Creatives by their nature are not fans of politicians and it seems a bunch of creatives and technologists at Huge London decided to take a closer look at the brand. They’ve created a set of spoof Brand Guidelines for Boris. The team are calling it ‘Boris The Brand’. It is the kind of design brand guidelines large corporations or consumer brands have for their design outputs this time instead for a human. Boris is keen on aggressively promoting himself as a living brand to the country so the team thought it was only fitting to do these spoof guidelines as a light-hearted poke to challenge themselves in creating something normally reserved for designers on how they use a brand. The Brand Guidelines is of course not real or official but is in tongue-in-cheek ironical poke on Boris’s and captures some of the things and actions he has said publicly that are polarising, ludicrous or amusing.
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