Shazar: Come down from the tree campaignThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
As a result of this campaign, this ladder got a special acknowledgment from the Israeli presidential spokesperson department and was granted by the head chief guard of the presidential security department to pass all the security chain directly to the president.
Agency: Addict, Israel For the second time within a few months, Israel cannot form a government and there is only one thing people are talking about how the president can succeed in bringing the party leaders down from the tree But since none of the party heads has succeeded in coming down from the tree, we realize there is only thing that can save the State of Israel from a third election cycle The Ladder The Shazar Home & Garden Products chain in Israel has come out with the Ladder Campaign: from its ladders department, it has sent a particularly high ladder to Beit HaNassi, residence of the President of Israel, to help the President bring the party heads down from the tree. Although to this moment none of the party leaders have yet come down from the tree, at least now the President's home is equipped with a ladder to help them down with.
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