Web Film
Monster Energy: Finding MonstersThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
X-Games-Medalist-turned-director Clayton Vila helms Finding Monsters, the latest short film for Monster Energy’s YouTube channel. Vila is a roster director at Brooklyn and Los Angeles-based Greenpoint Pictures. The film, which was executive produced by Josh Bishop, captures the unshakable pull of soul-defining dreams with the look and feel of a contemporary indie film. In Finding Monsters, we glimpse the big dreams and aspirations that motivated Monster athletes Lizzie Armanto (skateboard), Taka Higashino (motocross), and Clayton Vila (freeski) in their youth. As their stories are retold, intimate portraits of children’s faces are juxtaposed against footage of their respective families and environments, demonstrating that no obstacle is insurmountable once a big dream takes hold. The idea behind the film came from conversations Vila had with his mother about how she handled his innate daredevil nature when he was young. These talks made him wonder whether other athletes on Monster Energy’s roster grew up in environments, like his, that weren’t conducive to their ambitions. The concept took shape after Vila became fascinated by the backgrounds of Armanto and Higashino, realising that these were stories that needed to be told.
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