Web Film
C.P. Group: Beautiful RunThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
C.P. Group and Ogilvy Thailand have released a new film titled "Beautiful Run", that shows how gratitude can take a person through adversity. The film is a bid by the brand to restore the value amongst the new generation of Thais, and follows the the film named 'Gratitude' launched by the brand in 2018. This film tells a story of a young disabled girl who runs a marathon to earn much needed money to support her father's medical expenses. She is symbolic of people who may lack almost everything but know the values of the only thing they have and try their best to protect it. Her gratitude towards her father results in her winning the marathon making the impossible possible.
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