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Honda Moto France: FASTER THAN TWITTER, THE NEW FORZA 750This is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
2020. December 20th, Honda Motorcycle reveal his megascooter, the new Forza 750, with the ambition to tickle the leader of the market.
To prove its superiority, the brand of the "Power of Dreams" was not going to settle for simple comparative advertising. With its agency DDB Paris, Honda chose to demonstrate the power of its ultimate GT scooter Forza by pitting it against a giant, which has no less than 326 million monthly users around the world, and 12.8 million in France. A symbol of instantaneity, speed: a Tweet FASTER THAN TWITTER, THE NEW FORZA 750. 2021. September 14th. 6:05 pm. The Forza 750 is on the starting line. A Tweet is ready. The starting signal is launched for 100 meters from a standing start. At the same moment, the scooter starts with a bang, while the tweet is sent. 6,04 seconds later, the Forza crosses the finish line. It will take 6,59 seconds for the tweet to appear on Honda France’s Twitter account. The next morning, at 9:00 am, Honda provide video evidence on Twitter, to spread the news and send few consolation « kisses" to those who need them. Because it's now official: the Forza 750 is the only scooter to be faster than Twitter. FB : https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=125336449783051 IG : https://www.instagram.com/tv/CT1WMAPqy0w/?utm_medium=share_sheet YT : https://youtu.be/C5q2x3jF1sk Linkedin :https://www.linkedin.com/posts/honda-motor-europe-ltd-succursale-france_fasterthantwitter-whostheboss-forza750-activity-6843834967957544960-bko4
Brand : Sébastien Pernel, Valérie Larousse, Laura Henimann |
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