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Top 6: June 15th 2022

Symprove: #ItTakesGuts

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Top 6: June 15th 2022
Talking about poo can be a pain in the butt. To tackle the awkward subject, British presenter Lisa Snowdon hits the quaint hamlet of Shitterton, Dorset, to ask the public to spill the beans on everything bowel-related in the first work by Lucky Generals for probiotic brand Symprove. A gut-wrenching 13+ million people in the UK suffer from stomach and bowel issues, with more than half (54%) saying they feel too embarrassed to talk to family and friends about it.
Agency: Lucky Generals

One in five even say they are too shy to disclose the problem to their GP. Symprove is aiming to reach people who have concerns about their gut health, and to inform IBS sufferers who feel wiped out that they are not alone and there are options out there. Lisa Snowdon, having struggled with her own battles around bloating, incorporated Symprove into her daily routine many years ago, and doesn't suffer from shame when it comes to bearing all. In the 60-second video Lisa blows away the public by asking all things gut related, from ‘do you know what shape your poo is?’ to ‘how many times a day do you poo?’. It’s clearly quite a private topic, as people dash into cars and the nearest shop to evade Lisa’s line of questioning. But as Lisa bounds through town, the public begin to open up about why they don’t talk about their toilet habits and that we shouldn’t really feel ashamed to talk about such a natural habit. The work brings some light relief to a subject that is normally discussed behind a closed (toilet) door. The work will launch on 8th June as part of a Symprove digital activation, with Lisa Snowdon using her social media to drive awareness to the campaign.
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Colourist and Sound Engineer: Simon Richardson

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