Andrex: A Little Love Goes a Long WayThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Andrex has been taking care of Britain’s bottoms since 1942, and to celebrate their 80-year anniversary, award-winning creative agency FCB Inferno has created ‘A little love goes a long way’. The new integrated campaign focuses on the emotional bond between generations of British families and the beloved Andrex puppy. Created by FCB Inferno and Grammy-nominated director Nicholas Jack-Davies, the insight behind the idea is that small, everyday acts of care, like picking up a pack of Andrex, can make a real difference to how you and your family feel. The heart warming 30 second TVC shows a Mum shopping for her daughter, picking up a few regular items, before spotting a real puppy on the shelf, between packs of Andrex. They share a moment, she picks it up, and as she pops it into her trolley, we reveal it’s a completely normal pack of Andrex. In the final shot we show that her daughter is heavily pregnant, and the Mum’s choice has been a little act of love.
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