KFC: KFC BRAINWAVE BUCKETThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Stress and overthinking is pervasive in the chaotic 24-hour metropolis. Recent studies indicate Hong Kong is one of the most stressful cities in the world and ranks #1 in the stress index of employees all around East Asia, with a massive 53% of employees feeling pressured and stressed from their day-to-day occupation. However, scientific findings have shown that comfort food relieves the stress response in the brain.
In acknowledgement of this, KFC has partnered with Edelman Hong Kong to launch its latest integrated campaign centered around the power of comfort food. The message is “Don’t Overthink, Just Indulge” and this has given birth to the KFC Brainwave Bucket. The KFC Brainwave Bucket is a brain-sensing helmet with a built-in headband that analyses people’s brain activity. The data from the helmet is connected to an app which provides real-time biofeedback showing how active the mind is. The helmet design, and the mind-detecting enclosure, is based on KFC’s iconic bucket. People are invited to sit inside the bucket-esque structure and place the helmet on their head, after which they are encouraged to switch off and think less with the help of some Finger Lickin’ Good chicken. Through through social media, in-store and digital, people were directed to the flagship store for the experience.
Head of Strategy: Phyllis Yip. |
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