Top 6: December 21st 2022
Renault: Renault The StoreTop 6: December 21st 2022
The Store, the car brand’s new campaign created by Publicis Conseil and directed by Rodrigo Saavedra, through Soldats, follows the fortunes of a grocery shop opened in 1912 by Pierre & Rose.
As Pierre and Rose’s children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren take over the business the shop transforms itself into various iterations. Showing us, in lovingly reproduced period detail, the various signs of the times. Along with the shops, the generations of entrepreneurs rely on a changing fleet of handy vans: from the Fourgon Postal (1909) to the Juvaquatre (1937-1960), and from the Estafette (1959-1980) to the Master 1 (1980-1997), up to the New Trafic Van E-Tech Electric (2022).
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