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Top 6: August 13th 2008

POWA: Since when does no mean yes?

Top 6: August 13th 2008
POWA (People Opposing Women Abuse) is an NGO undertaking research into gender-based violence in Africa. The banner communicates: "In South Africa, a woman is raped every 26 seconds" with a timer that ticks over every 26 seconds. You'll also be asked a question: "Would you like to see their faces?" with the option of clicking on the "no" or a "yes" button. This is expectantly something no one would really want to see (the victims' faces,) and they would therefore click "no". If this is not the case and they click "yes" nothing will happen, as this button is not activated. They will therefore be "forced" to click "no" and finally reveal the final message "Since when does no mean yes?".
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Programmer: Phillip du Plessis

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