Top 6: February 22nd 2023
Cadbury Fuse: Confuseing ControllersTop 6: February 22nd 2023
Mondelez India’s premium countline brand, Cadbury Fuse, has rolled out an exciting marketing campaign, Confuseing Controllers, to support its existing ‘Bhaari’ proposition. With this campaign, the brand aims to highlight the Cadburylicious goodness of Fuse, loaded with peanuts and almonds, making it the perfect snacking partner for gamers who want a quick, filling, and an on-the-go snack for some uninterrupted gaming. To bring the idea alive, the brand invented a quirky tech gaming innovation- Confuseing Controllers. These are gaming controllers designed to look like books of wisdom. Why? The digital film reveals a common problem gamers face. That of being interrupted, time and again, while playing, by people who want them to do something more fruitful. While Fuse takes care of their hunger pangs, ConFuseing Controllers ensures no interruptions by those around the gamers. Thus, reiterating that Fuse handles their ‘Bhaari Bhookh’ while Confuseing Controller looks after ‘Bhaari Bhookh for gaming’. As a part of the campaign the consumers can win these limited-edition controllers by visiting the campaign microsite where they can play and participate. The website can also be accessed through digital ads of the campaign.
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