10:PM: Randwick BedwettersThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Over 1.8 million bacteria-laden, skin-cell-infested mattresses are illegally dumped in Australia every year. Together with Howatson+Company and director James Dive, mattress startup 10:PM has turned several of them into guerrilla billboards. Each execution exposes the condemning, rancid stories held within the fibres of competitor’s products. A stark contrast to 10:PM’s Aussie-made, microbe-neutralising mattresses. Targeting inner-city Sydney suburbs, the 10:PM team located discarded mattresses and wrote bespoke long copy about each one, condemning them as rancid and suggesting a new, better alternative from 10:PM. These messages were converted into mattress-sized stamps, one judgemental letter at a time, before the team installed the ‘bed-verts' in the same locations they were found. The mattress billboards have taken curious onlookers by surprise. Exposing a global gathering of dead skin particles in Bondi backpacker-land, an underground swinger scene in affluent Watson’s Bay, a queen who partied too hard in Pride capital, Darlinghurst, and more.
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