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Samsung: Voices of Galaxy

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Samsung has launched a new instalment of its 'Voices of Galaxy' series, which highlights people on the edge of the modern world taking the world’s biggest issues into their own hands. The latest episode follows the story of village chief Uruma Kambeba and his 12-year-old daughter Taíssa, as they use mobile technology to protect their land, community, and way of life in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The lushly told three-minute film addresses a threat facing an indigenous community living deep inside the most impenetrable rainforest in the world: deforestation. Featuring the front-line protectors striving to save ‘the lungs of the world’ from violent activity, the film follows Chief Uruma Kambeba and daughter Taíssa as they confront its physical and existential impacts. The father-daughter duo speaks to the longstanding spirit of the forest and their right to protect the Amazon, a vital source of livelihood and culture for indigenous communities and a crucial component of the planet’s ecological health. As village chief, Uruma tells us of the huge responsibility he feels to protect the entire Amazon nation, and the 30 million people that call it home – recounting a nightmarish moment he thought his village was lost. He demonstrates how his community is mobilising to protect the forest by repurposing Galaxy smartphones to defend their land – safely - against what are often dangerously armed invaders. Armed with Galaxy technology, they can stand against deforestation more efficiently by clearly capturing signs of logging and trespassing from a safe distance, sending them to authorities straight from the scene without risking their lives, and connecting with other groups to scale the action. Showcasing the challenge in the most authentic way, the film is voiced over by Uruma and Taíssa and features moments of everyday life, including how Taíssa uses her phone as a tool to educate others in her region about the rainforest’s plight. The film shows us how Uruma is equipping the next generation – his children – to continue his efforts ending with a defiant promise: “I’ll never give up”.
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Team Yeji Kim

Team David Kim

Team Yonghoon Jo

Team Mini Lee


Chief Operating Officer Carina De Blois

Head of Production George Sholley

Managing Director Olivier Sentucq

Account Handling Emily Nelson

Account Executive Carly Berry

Consultant Sami Salmenkivi

Consultant Lynette Wong

Planning Director Laura Tarbox

Social Director Kayla Bressi


Director's Rep The Visionaries

Drone Operator Renato Passarelli

Production Service Utopia Films

Producer Daniel Araújo

Post Production / VFX Rascal

Colourist James Bamford

Editor James Crossland-Mills

Editor Andrea Moro

Editor Filippo Mira

Music / Sound Leland Music

Composer Simon Goff

Sound Mix Alexander Wells

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