Rise Sweden: The Parental DivorceThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Sunday, November 12th is Father's Day in Sweden. It’s a sad day for people who’s been sexual abused as a child by their fathers. Therefore, Rise, the national association against incest and other sexual abuse in childhood, is launching the initiative "Parental Divorce."Many who experience incest or other sexual abuse from a parent choose to sever contact with the perpetrator. But in Sweden, and many other countries, there is a legal principle stating that even adults must have a registered parent, which may be brought up in dealings with authorities, as the closest relative, in inheritance, caregiving, and estate etc. The only option to cut all ties legally is adult adoption.
Therefore Rise is launching The Parental Divorce. The initiative aims to influence decision-makers and politicians to oversee the law and allow adult victims of incest to divorce their parent. This would not only help survivors to but also send a message to the society that survivors have severed all legal ties with their parents.
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