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Wedding is a milestone event in life of a young couple and their parents. People in Uzbekistan prepare a wedding very carefully and celebrate it for several days. A prominent place in the process belongs to the tradition of sarpa (bride’s dowry) covering all things that may come in handy for newlyweds in their life together: ranging from furniture and household appliances to towels.


For most Uzbek households sarpa is a heavy burden since its cost can exceed several annual family budgets.

Sarpa cannot be modest or slender, it will dictate how people think of the bride’s family reputation and their attitude to the family of the groom. Under pressure of traditions, the bride's parents often get into huge loans to buy sarpa and produce a good impression while turning a blind eye to the true needs of newlyweds.

Wedding season has begun and the issue of sarpa is particularly true for Uzbek families. That is why Uzbekistan network retailer of home appliances and furniture – Ishonch – decided to offer an alternative view of the situation with sarpa.


We support an emerging trend - rejection of sarpa by bridegrooms. But most importantly, we communicated the idea that such rejection is in line with the existing cultural norms of Uzbekistan and flows naturally out of them. After all, ability to take responsibility for the future family and make independent decisions is a measure of a man, a fair result of proper education with respect for traditions.

No question, Ishonch decided to support bridegrooms not only in words, but also in deeds: any goods newlyweds need can be bought in installments and with good discounts. Besides, each groom who buys appliances in Ishonch takes part in a special draw.

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