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Momentum: Row Row

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Launched this week, the campaign highlights the fact that Hydro Tasmania, Australia’s largest generator of renewable energy is ‘the power behind Momentum’.

The TVC and print ads feature a determined pair of rowers, battling their way through rough seas while feeding out a long line of power cord.

The rowers reach land and connect the cord to Hydro Tasmania, illustrating the lengths Momentum will go to power your business.
Credits Other credits

Strategy & Campaign Planning: Rod Curtis

Media Planner/Buyer: Jane Cook/Bernadette King (Media Kitchen)

TVC Line Producer: Simon Hoy

Animation: Iloura

Music: Tristan Dewey

Client Team:

Marketing Manager: Natalie Davies

Manager Communications Hydro Tasmania: Ian Colvin

Marketing Coordinator: Laura Balbir-Brott

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