Top 6: August 24th 2011
St Matthew in the City: Gay-DarTop 6: August 24th 2011
St Matthew's is a progressive Anglican church, whose goal for a diverse and inclusive congregation was being crushed by a homophobic moratorium passed down through the order. It urged New Zealand bishops not to ordain openly gay or lesbian individuals as deacons, priests or bishops. The consequences of this homophobic stance by the Anglican Church were dire for St Matthew's, resulting in the resignation of a much loved and respected gay staff member. St Matthew's was disgusted by this discriminatory behaviour shown by the Anglican church, and had one small billboard to start the push for change.
WhybinTBWATequila, Auckland took the one of oldest and most recognised symbols in the word, and combined it with popular culture to create Gay-Dar. With a moveable cross, the billboard gained attention and encouraged interaction from passers-by. While uncovering the Anglican Church's shameful secret, Gay-Dar fuelled discussion by presenting this very prickly subject in a fun and contemporary way. Through blogs and news reports, Gay-Dar travelled around the world, directing people to sign an online petition. The signatures rolled in and the campaign made believers of many people, showing that even a church can put its faith in advertising.
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