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Top 6: February 1st 2012

Nike: Welcome to the KobeSystem

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Top 6: February 1st 2012
You're at the top. But the KobeSystem is here to take you over the top. As a life coach, Kobe is making his winning, results-oriented program available only to those truly successful read more
Credits Other credits

Dir. of Broadcast Production : Ben Grylewicz

Senior Producer: Jennie Lindstrom

Production Assistant: Kirsten Acheson

Account Team: Ryan Johnson, Liam Doherty

Executive Producers: Michael Sagol / Jasper Thomlinson

Line Producer: Eric Escott

Director of Photography: Matthew Libatique


Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors

Editor: Kirk Baxter

Asst. Editor: Anton Capaldo-Smith

Post Producer: Angela Dorian

Post Executive Producer: CL Weaver


Company: Company 3

Colorist: Siggy Ferstl


VFX Company: A52

VFX Supervisor: Patrick Murphy

Lead 2D Artist: Jesse Monsour

2D VFX Artists: Matt Sousa, Richard Hirst, Stefan Gaillot, Steve Miller, Steve Wolff, Cameron Coombs, Cole Schreiber, Scott Johnson, Enid Dalkoff

Flame Assistant: Dan Eliis

Roto Artists: Cathy Shaw, Robert Shaw, Tiffany Germann, Matthew Battaglia

Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall

VFX Supervisor: Patrick Murphy

VFX Producer: Meredith Tomasulo + Jamie McBriety


Titles Company: Elastic

Art Director: Lisha Tan

Designer: Brian Do

Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall

Producer: Meredith Tomasulo


Music Company: Stimmung

Composer: Chip Jenkins

Sound Designer: Gus Koven

Asst. Sound Designer: William Flynn

Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark


Mix Company: Lime Studios

Mixer: Loren Silber

Asst. Mixer: Lindsey Alvarez

Producer: Jessica Locke

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