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Top 6: February 1st 2012
You're at the top. But the KobeSystem is here to take you over the top. As a life coach, Kobe is making his winning, results-oriented program available only to those truly successful
… read more people thirsting for more success. Featured in this W+K Portland spot are Dwayne Wade, Aziz Ansari, P-Rod (Paul Rodriguez), Lamar Odom, Hope Solo, Lebron James, Jerry Rice, Landon Donovan, Leehom Wang, Tony Robbins, Serena Williams, Kanye West, Richard Branson and Jerry Rice.
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Other credits
Dir. of Broadcast Production : Ben Grylewicz
Senior Producer: Jennie Lindstrom
Production Assistant: Kirsten Acheson
Account Team: Ryan Johnson, Liam Doherty
Executive Producers: Michael Sagol / Jasper Thomlinson
Line Producer: Eric Escott
Director of Photography: Matthew Libatique
Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors
Editor: Kirk Baxter
Asst. Editor: Anton Capaldo-Smith
Post Producer: Angela Dorian
Post Executive Producer: CL Weaver
Company: Company 3
Colorist: Siggy Ferstl
VFX Company: A52
VFX Supervisor: Patrick Murphy
Lead 2D Artist: Jesse Monsour
2D VFX Artists: Matt Sousa, Richard Hirst, Stefan Gaillot, Steve Miller, Steve Wolff, Cameron Coombs, Cole Schreiber, Scott Johnson, Enid Dalkoff
Flame Assistant: Dan Eliis
Roto Artists: Cathy Shaw, Robert Shaw, Tiffany Germann, Matthew Battaglia
Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall
VFX Supervisor: Patrick Murphy
VFX Producer: Meredith Tomasulo + Jamie McBriety
Titles Company: Elastic
Art Director: Lisha Tan
Designer: Brian Do
Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall
Producer: Meredith Tomasulo
Music Company: Stimmung
Composer: Chip Jenkins
Sound Designer: Gus Koven
Asst. Sound Designer: William Flynn
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Mix Company: Lime Studios
Mixer: Loren Silber
Asst. Mixer: Lindsey Alvarez
Producer: Jessica Locke
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