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Titan Eye Plus: Bad eye Lorry

Top 6 this week
Most people take their eyesight for granted and cause huge risk while driving on the road. Task for Ogilvy & Mather, Bangalore : Get the message of good eyesight and Titan Eye Plus, to these people, while they drive. How: Indian trucks have, 'Buri nazar wale tera mooh kala' - a slogan painted on their rear. Translation: 'You with the evil eye, may your face turn black' Buri Nazar also means bad eyesight. Using this pun and the colorful art on Indian trucks, we promote the brand.

Copy: Buri nazar wale chashma l Translation: People with bad eyesight, wear glasses.

Result: Significant rise in inquiries for the spectacles range.
Credits Other credits

Joshi, Anil Kumar, Sneha Nidhin, Jasper Daniel,

Ayelin Rodrigues, Maniny, Adhithya

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