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Top 6: April 25th 2012

Video Hobby: Black Swan

Top 6: April 25th 2012
Movie piracy attacked video stores all over the world.
In Brazil 9,000 stores closed their doors. Video Hobby, a Brazilian video store, asked the agency Propeg for an campaing to attract new customers to its new Mega Store. So we thought: What if we created something that used
piracy itself to conquer new customers?The first step was choosing movies that were blockbusters in Brazil in the year of 2011. So we re-filmed short versions of the movies with no respect to quality. We launched a fake free movie download website and made magazine ads containing the movie's QR-CODE. In the end a message alerted the customer about the low quality of a pirate movie. In order to watch the original movie the customer only had to take his mobile phone to the new Video Hobby Mega Store and show the downloaded movie. In addition he was requested to register at the new store. The magazine-ads were part of an action that involved various mediums and brought 1,567 new clients to the new Mega Store.
Credits Other credits

Renata Matos, Sheyla Rocha, Melina Romariz, Mylene Alves, Flavio Fernandez, João Souza, Thiago Borba, Fernando Damasceno, Jean Silva, Cristobal Fraga, Hayre Borges, Giovanni Carneiro, Janaina Rocha, Marcus Ventura, Vinicius Ipojucan, Flavia Alves, Paulo Pinto, José Oliveira, Renata Matos, John Oliveira, Leonardo Galluf, Leonardo Duarte, Maria José, John Oliveira, Dito Martins, Flavio Morgade.

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