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In a world first innovation using the most cutting edge technology in the world, cummins&partners Australia has shifted the paradigm of what constitutes creativity in a campaign for the inaugural Creative Fuel Conference, to be held at Carriageworks in Sydney, on July 28.'The World's First Crowd Sourced 3D Printed QR Code, Live Streamed Via Go Pro To A Smart Phone Or Tablet Device, Drone Delivery Ticket System Project' allows the creative community of Australia to engage with technology in an immersive, tangible manner through first person human-to-drone interaction.
To create this bespoke innovation for Creative Fuel, the creative team at cummins&partners spent many minutes looking at award winning case studies on youtube.
Through weeks of intensive R&D, The World's First Crowd Sourced 3D Printed QR Code, Live Streamed Via Go Pro To A Smart Phone Or Tablet Device, Drone Delivery Ticket System Project was refined. As this was happening, more time was spent crafting the case study video than doing the idea.
To do this, cummins&partners joint executive creative director's Jim Ingram and Ben Couzens live-tweeted Paul Middleditch, creator of iconic films such as "The Big Ad", to turn the vision into a compelling case study film.
Said Ingram and Ben Couzens at exactly the same time: "We felt it was important to get somebody famous to make the film to give it an extra level of gravitas that it may have otherwise lacked."
Middleditch was immediately excited by this ambitious project: "I was immediately excited by this ambitious project."
The World's First Crowd Sourced 3D Printed QR Code, Live Streamed Via Go Pro To A Smart Phone Or Tablet Device, Drone Delivery Ticket System Project was beta-tested by some of the heaviest hitters in the Australian creative industry. Luminaries such as Ben Coulson, Ant Keogh, Steve Back, Grant Rutherford, Ben Welsh, Richard Muntz, Brendon Guthrie, and David Ponce de Leon, were given a first hand glimpse of this ingenious melding of advertising, marketing, and technology. All were impressed into gasps of speechlessness after first providing an interesting sound-bite for the case study.
Says Jodie Sangster, Creative Fuel CEO: "Creative Fuel is a new event designed by creatives for creatives- and we wanted a campaign that 100% reflected that. I am delighted that cummins&partners wanted to work with us as they are recognised as a creative powerhouse in Australia. We gave them artistic license to develop a campaign specifically for the creative community - and they did just that. I think the results are outstanding- and unique for Australia."
Punters can get involved too by simply hashtagging: #TheWorlds1stCrowdSourced3DPrintedQRCodeLiveStreamedViaGoProToSmartPhoneDroneDeliveryTicketSystemProject.
Or if the QR code link is undergoing maintenance, punters can buy tickets direct at creative-fuel.com.au
Other credits
CEO: Sean Cummins
Managing Director: Chris Jeffares
Executive Creative Directors: Jim Ingram, Ben Couzens
Creative Viceroy Specialising in Writing Leading Edge Marketing Communications/Writer: Alex Wadelton
Directions in Art/Art Director: Connor Beaver
Senior Integration Manager: Emma Wynne
Head of Broadcast: Jess Thompson
Production Co-ordinator: Adèle Whineray
Chief Strategy Officer: Adam Ferrier
Art Drummer: Frank Trobbiani
Senior Art Director: Aaron Lipson
Broadcast Assistant: Alex Karantzas
Director of First Impressions: Alex Teal
Account Executive: Alexander Sexton
Senior Creative: Andrew Englisch
Client Services Director: Ben Epstein
Community Manager: Bianca Fioritti
Managing Director: Bronwen Gwynn-Jones
Senior Art Director: Chay O'Rourke
Senior Copywriter: Chris Ellis
Managing Director: Chris Jeffares
Integration Director: Damiano Di Pietro
Digital Creative: Damien Hashemi
Print Production Manager: David Findlay
Media Co-ordinator: David Hille
Creative Director: David Ormston
Media Manager: Dinie Tarmizi
Senior Retoucher: Ed Croll
Group Digital Media Director: Emma Baston
Digital Media Director: Eliza Malone
Executive Assistant -Talent and Culture: Emma O'Leary
Graphic Artist: Emma Shaw
Digital Services Director: Faye Collay
Producer: Gene Kingi
Junior Integration Manager: Georgia Benjamin
Group Account Director: Georgina Pownall
Creative: Gil Benjamin
Senior Editor: Graeme Phillips
Group Account Director: Hayden Isaacs
Art Director: Heath Collins
Integration Director: Heather Pennell
Integration Manager: Jacinta Hannaford
Designer: Jacob Redding
Producer: Jacqui Rechtman
Digital Media Director: Jared Heliborn
Interactive Designer/Developer: James Gilbert
Finance Manager: Jasmine Cauchi
Integration Manager: Jess Chamberlain
Copywriter: Justine Pearl
Media Director: Jo van de Velde
Integration Manager: Katie O'Callaghan
Operations Manager: Kath Caruana
Finance Manager: Kim Dunstan
Chief Media and Innovation Officer: Kirsty Muddle
Financial Controller: Lara Saunders
Copywriter: Liam Jenkins
Integration Manager: Louise Rutherford
Media Executive: Maddie Jahnke
Group Account Director: Magdalina Triantafyllidis
Digital Creative Lead: Maurice Moynihan
Digital Creative: Mario Djuhadi
Head of Operations: Michelle Wensor
IT Manager: Mike Redman
Chief Financial Officer: Monique Swallow
Integration Diector: Maddy Lehmann
Copywriter: Nick Milde
Senior Copywriter: Nick Munt
Art Director: Chris Northam
Director of Content and Sponsorship: Nigel Camilleri
Integration Director: Ollie Ward
Senior Developer: Phil Caithness
Senior Art Director: Paul Hermes
Writer: Regina Stroombergen
Integration Director: Rosie Bean
Senior Designer: Rowan Hammerton
Integration Director: Sarah Beer
Studio Manager: Scott Hagart
Chief Digital Officer: Scott Heron
Group Media Director: Sharni Ames
Integration Manager: Sophia Idrizovic
Creative Services Director: Stevie Tortosa
Resource Manager: Tina Ferreira
Media and Innovation Manager: Tom Johnson
Copywriter: Tom Vizard
Interactive Designer - Developer: Tony Zourkas
Integration Manager: Victoria Beranger
Media Manager: Victoria Camilleri
Planning Director: Virginia Pracht
Graphic Artist: Vivian Dumergue-Sanchez
Digital Strategist: Zac Martin
Production: Plaza Films
Director: Paul Middleditch
Producer: Peter Masterton
Director of Photography (SYD): Daniel Ardilley
Camera Assist (Syd): Harley Van Valen & Alby Orellana
Director of Photography (MEL): Graeme Phillips
Camera Assist (Melb): Adèle Whineray
Editing: The Editors
Editor: Dave Whittaker
Colourist: Christine Trodd
Post Producer: Nicoletta Rousianos
Audio Production: Risk Sound
Sound Engineer: Matt Thompson
Drone Construction
Consultant Digital Director/Freelance Drone Enthusiast: Ian Lyons
Client: Creative Fuel
CEO: Jodie Sangster
Head of Marketing & Communications: Lauren Trembath
Marketing Manager: Kathy Pieprzyk
With thanks to:
Steve Back (Ogilvy, Australia)
Ben Coulson (GPY&R, Australia and New Zealand)
Brendon Guthrie (Ogilvy Melbourne)
Ant Keogh (Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne)
Richard Muntz (JWT Melbourne)
David Ponce de Leon (BD Network, Melbourne)
Grant Rutherford (Publicis Mojo, Sydney)
Ben Welsh (M&C Saatchi)