Eskinol: Eskinol Wattpad
Unilever Philippines partnered with Wattpad, an online publishing platform with 30 million readers worldwide and 5 million readers in the Philippines. Through Wattpad, Unilever brand Eskinol published a hit online novel for teens that broke records in both sales and consumer engagement. This pioneering project helped Eskinol, a 70-year old facial cleanser for teens, connect with its market in a fresh and engaging way.Agency: Lowe, Philippines
Unilever Philippines partnered with Wattpad, an online publishing platform with 30 million readers worldwide and 5 million readers in the Philippines. Through Wattpad, Unilever brand Eskinol published a hit online novel for teens that broke records in both sales and consumer engagement. This pioneering project helped Eskinol, a 70-year old facial cleanser for teens, connect with its market in a fresh and engaging way. |
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