The Invisibles: The InvisiblesThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Having looked all around Poland, we found three Homeless writers. We prepared a selection of their works. We published a book containing their documentaries, poems, stories, a play. We printed the book using an ink only visible in the cold. And so the book "The Invisibles" was created. In the warm, indoor the book is nothing but white pages. In the cold it turns into moving stories of real people who try to exit their homelessness, but fail without help. The book was published to help you feel the strength of these texts. Agency: Walk
Imagine reading about sleeping in the cold, actually feeling the cold. The more interesting the text, the longer it takes to read, and the longer you read the colder you get. The colder you are the better you feel what the text is about.
Reżyser video: Adam Roszkowski / Okey Films |
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