Top 6: December 6th 2017
Ikea: PlaceTop 6: December 6th 2017
IKEA believes picking a holiday tree should be fun. Whether your space is big or small, wide or tall, you should be able to find a tree that fits just right. With IKEA Place, picking that perfect tree is now easier than ever. Just in time for the biggest holiday tree weekend of the year*, the augmented reality app added four true-to-scale tree styles, so now all you have to do is choose the one that fits best Drag it, drop it and #Placeatreeonit. With IKEA Place you can virtually place your tree anywhere. For the launch of #Placeatreeonit, Inter IKEA Systems once again partnered with Space10 and TWNKLS, who were responsible for the User Experience and development of the new feature. Inter IKEA Systems also collaborated with 72andSunny Amsterdam, who developed the idea, comms planning, influencer strategy, as well as creative assets for the Tree update, which includes a hero film, explainer GIFs, and storytorials (Instastories tutorials).
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