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PRAN Drinking Water: #Tap_to_UncoverThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
During 1971, Bangladeshis had been tortured and murdered by the Pakistani occupation forces and their local collaborators
On 14 December, sensing an imminent defeat, they killed the front-line Bengali intellectuals with the intention of crippling a newborn nation intellectually. So, this year PRAN Drinking Water (Logo) have turned the “Tap” feature of Instagram Stories into a tool that symbolizes the scenario of 14th December 1971. And shows how brutally those front-line Bengali intellectuals and professionals were murdered by the enemy as they tapped on the trigger of their guns. Through PRAN Drinking Water’s Instagram profile, we have targeted the youth as they check Instagram stories very frequently on Instagram. Then, as the story progresses by the tap, they have uncovered the victim Despite all their vicious plans to destroy our nation intellectually, we have striven forward crossing all barriers as an independent and prosperous country. #Tap_To_Uncover
Client: PRAN Drinking Water |
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