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Top 6: October 17th 2007

International Andy Awards: Instacritique

Top 6: October 17th 2007
Meet your maker...or breaker. The Andy's new site gives your best creative a thumbs up or down. With the 'Instacritique Work System'. the 2008 International Andy's pits your best spot against five of the best creative judges in the arena--namely Alex Bogusky, TBWA's Gerry Graf, la comunidad's Jose Molla, DDB's Bob Scarpelli, Mother London's Mark Waites--and not to mention, an average man on the street. Creatives simply upload their work into the system, select from five facets of motivation - Praise Me, Guide Me, Mock Me, Reject Me and Confuse Me - -select their judge of choice and click on the "I'm Ready" button to see how they fare.

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