Ministério Público Federal: Next Minute LawThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Y&R Brazil, with support of ABAP (Brazilian Association of Advertising Agencies), created a campaign to support the Federal Public Prosecutor of São Paulo (MPF/SP) regarding the disclosure of the Law 12.845/2013, which provides for the mandatory and full support to victims of sexual assault. The main objective of the law is to ensure that hospitals provide to victims of sexual violence an emergency, full, multidisciplinary free service. ABAP's and Y&R's initiative on launching a campaign with its disclosure through different media platforms came when the Regional Prosecutor in São Paulo for Citizen's Rights, a body of the MPF/SP which reports human rights violations, observed through a public civil inquiry that the quality of the service is lower than it is supposed to be, and the society has a lack of information regarding the rights set out in the law, which has been in force for five years. That's how the Lei do Minuto Seguinte (Next Minute Law), a name created by Y&R in order to personify the Law 12.845/2013 was established. The idea for the name and concept of the campaign came from the information shared by MPF/SP that, after having analyzed data from IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research), estimated that one person is raped in Brazil every minute. "According to IPEA's survey, there have been more than 49,000 rape cases in 2016. In 2017, more than 60,000 cases have been reported, according to researches of the Brazilian Forum for Public Security, that is, one victim every 10 minutes. However, according to IPEA, it is estimated that there is a 90% under-reporting. If we take this into account, we have a terrible estimate of one victim a minute”, states Pedro Antonio de Oliveira Machado, Regional Prosecutor substitute for Citizen’s Rights in São Paulo.
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