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Top 6: November 10th 2010

Grey Goose: The Dashboard

Top 6: November 10th 2010
Urban Daddy and Grey Goose via Big Spaceship New York team up to make a Dashboard to help you visualize the night scene in a specific city on any given day.

Imagine a collection of raw data that has been gathered from select nooks and crannies of the city, and then put through a massive supercomputer that is located on a compound in a bunker where mathematicians, scientists, attractive interns and other people wearing pocket protectors have distilled this critical intelligence into a series of charts, graphs and mapped data points that in sum begins to answer eternal lifelong questions.

Questions like “Exactly how hot is the scene right now?” and “What’s the girl-to-guy ratio tonight?” Questions that help you forecast nights ahead and see what’s going on in real time when you’re heading out.

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