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Budget Direct: Jumping The Double Helix Divide (30-seconds)

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Captain Risky is back with his most spectacular stunt yet, one year since 303Lowe Sydney first conceived of the loveable daredevil for Budget Direct.

In 12 months, Captain Risky has become notorious for his ill-advised stunts as a larger- than-life character who can’t work out why Budget Direct won't insure him.

But in the latest spot ‘Jumping The Double Helix Divide’, which launched on 1st January, Captain Risky finally appears to pull off the biggest feat of his career in front of a roaring crowd. The crowd’s endorsement of Captain Risky brings to life Budget Direct’s outstanding customer approvals rating of 94%, with nine out of 10 customers recommending Budget Direct to a friend.
Credits Other credits

Head of Business Management: Tony Dunseath

Business Director: James Lammert

Producer: Claire Richards

DOP: Crighton Bone

VFX: Jess Bradstreet - ALTVFX

Editor: Bernard Garry - The Editors

Sound Engineer: Barry Stewart, Sound Reservoir

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