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Top 6: February 13th 2019

Göteborg Film Festival: The World's Most Claustrophobic Cinema

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Top 6: February 13th 2019
Goteborg Film Festival, the biggest in Scandinavia, is promoting the Nordic premiere of the sci-fi adaption Aniara in which humanity is forced to escape from the Earth via spaceship, read more
Credits Other credits

Advertising Agency - Stendahls

Martin Cedergren - CCO

Andreas Gunberg - Head of Strategy

Zeynep Salin - AD

Sandra Bondesson - Copy

Mats Tellving - AD

Annie Lundgren - PR Manager

Linda Fernell- PR & social media Strategy

Jens Flensburg - Account Manager

Production Company - Fanny & Alexander Productions

Directed by Gustav Öhman Spjuth & Alexander Gibbons Barth

Production manager - Sofia Englundh

DOP - Sebastian Danneborn

Editor - Robin Johansson

Composer - Jonas Wikstrand

Comp - MediaMonks Stockholm

Colorist - Sebastian Guest / Terrassen

Sound - Gabrielle Wikhede / Ljudbang

With support from Göteborg & Co and Studio Mint

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