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Twix: Twix Meltdown

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Since 2013, TWIX has been having a lot of fun with its long-running Left TWIX vs Right TWIX preference campaign. Created by BBDO New York, the TWIX Meltdown works with any cup of hot coffee. There's a gold Meltdown for the Left Twix and a red one for the Right Twix. TWIX likes to think it's the greatest thing to happen to coffee since the coffee bean. And now they are set to bring that same level of fun to the coffee world. TWIX is introducing a first-of-its-kind, game-changing product innovation that will allow fans to place a TWIX into any cup of coffee and pull out just the cookie, leaving them with a chocolatey, caramelly TWIX coffee. It’s called the TWIX® Meltdown and it’s available to fans on a very limited basis.
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BBDO NEW YORK: Creative Agency

Chief Creative Officer, BBDO Worldwide: David Lubars

Chief Creative Officer, BBDO New York: Greg Hahn

Executive Creative Director: Gianfranco Arena

Executive Creative Director: Peter Kain

Creative Director: Peter Alsante

Creative Director: Bianca Guimaraes

Senior Creative Director: Tom Kraemer

Senior Designer: Veronica Souza

EVP, Director of Integrated Production: David Rolfe

EVP, Group Executive Producer: Amy Wertheimer

EVP, Executive Producer: Anthony Curti

Interactive Executive Producer: Katie Young

Integrated Producer: Mo Twine

Junior Producer: Philip Peker

CEO & President, BBDO New York: Kirsten Flanik

EVP, Global Account Leader, Mars: Susannah Keller

EVP, Account Director: Lisa Piliguian

VP, Account Director: Carrie White

Account Manager: Michelle Ostbye

Account Executive: Danee Fields

Senior Project Manager: Amy Orgel

Business Manager: Paul Cisco

SVP, Group Director, Behavioral Planning: Annemarie Norris

VP, Planning Director: Christina Stoddard

Planner: Michael Schonfeld

Production Company: O Positive

Director: Brian Billow

DP: Christophe Lazenberg

Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella

Executive Producer: Marc Grill

VFX/Conform: Smigital

Flame Artist: Jim Hayhow

Mix: Mack Cut

Mixer: Sam Shaffer

Edit House: MACK CUT

Editor: Nick Divers

Assistant Editor: Kenneth Munoz

Executive Producer: Gina Pagano

Producer: Margarita Mutuc

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