Department of Veterans Affairs: Boil, 60sThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
There is hope. Resources are available and treatment can work. Suicide is preventable. The suicide rate among veterans in 2019 was 52% higher than non-veteran adults in the U.S., according to the 2021 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report. As part of their ongoing efforts to combat this national crisis, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the Ad Council are today launching a new national campaign: “Don’t Wait, Reach Out.” The public service advertisements (PSAs) encourage veterans to reach out for help before their challenges become overwhelming, directing audiences to, a new website with comprehensive resources for veterans. The PSA strategy, created pro bono by creative agency TBWAChiatDay NY, was informed by extensive research and included Veterans in the production. The TV ads depict a diverse range of veterans—all portrayed by real veterans—approaching their “boiling point” in a variety of stressful scenarios, and the relief that follows once they reach out for help.
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