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St Pierres Sushi: RSVP-ING A NATION

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St Pierre’s had a big concern for their 40th birthday - what if no one showed up? Especially with a massive surprise planned.

In a time-poor world, we needed a clever and direct, way to grab attention and get people to the party. Days before the big day, we released a small but mighty QR code. A birthday invite with a twist, when scanned, it added a calendar reminder to people’s phones, blocking out time in their busy schedules to enjoy surprise free sushi. The result? Queues around the block, turning St Pierre’s 40th into the party of the year.

Not only did 42,345 New Zealanders add it to their calendar reminder, 12.5% increase in sales, and we saw a 5% increase in transactions. But holy sushi, we ran out in under 8 minutes.

We celebrated our 40th in style - with a little QR code, a lot of sushi, and a reminder that even in a world full of distractions, a clever invite can turn any event into the party of the year.

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