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Top 6: January 19th 2011

Happiness Brussels: Gift A Stranger

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Top 6: January 19th 2011
Happiness Brussels, the "everything and everyone is media" agency has created a unique website for people everywhere to share Christmas with strangers and spread a little more happiness by sending presents to unknown recipients around the world. Their idea uses Google’s Reverse Geocoding functionality to randomly select an address anywhere in the world which becomes the happy recipient of a surprise Christmas present completely out of the blue and from someone they have never met. The website is at
Users enter their name, address, their gift and a photo or picture of their gift. Google randomly generates an address which the user can accept or reject, and request another address.
Gift a Stranger is already attracting users from around the globe and on the website visitors can view who has sent what present to whom. The number of present-senders has already reached 500 and is increasing rapidly with gifts being sent from Australia to Mexico and from the UK to Africa.
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Web Developer: Tom Scott

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