Top 6: May 25th 2011
TEDxBuenosAires: Spread the TEDxTop 6: May 25th 2011
Ogilvy Argentina creates "Spread the TEDx" for TEDxBuenos Aires: 50 Taxi drivers spreading TEDx's ideas throughout the city
Some weeks ago was carried out a second edition of TEDxBuenosAires, a series of talks of great thinkers, which works as a global forum to disseminate ideas for an audience of more than 1,300 people. Considering that TEDx’s community is still far away from common people in Latin America, the goal was to reach ordinary citizens in Buenos Aires with the inspiring ideas that were shared in TEDxBuenosAires. So Ogilvy Argentina created "SPREAD THE TEDx" to multiply the spread of these ideas. 50 taxi drivers were specially invited to all conferences and listened carefully to the speakers’ ideas. Since then, they are spreading these ideas around the city of Buenos Aires above their "SPREAD THE TEDx" taxis. No one better than taxi drivers, the city’s most popular and remarkable speakers, to talk and tell the people TEDxBuenosAires ideas, turning this way into a communication media. "Ideas worth spreading" is the slogan of the brand worldwide and this is what the "SPREAD THE TEDx" taxis are doing around Buenos Aires.
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