CASE STUDY: Spotlight was created to promote Australia's 2011 Census. Instead of telling people about the Census, we created an experience about them - showing them where they fit … read morewithin those numbers.
The site uses real data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to create a highly personalised animated film. Customised infographics within the film tell the story of you – where you live, where you're from, how old you are and what you do – and how this relates to the rest of Australia.
With 20 different points of customisation, each time Spotlight plays its as unique as the person watching it, making the data – and the Census - feel truly relevant.
And once you've experienced Spotlight for yourself, the site generates a personalized infographic that you can share on Twitter and Facebook.
In just a few short weeks, and without paid media support, this government website about statistical data was visited by more than a quarter of a million people, each spending on average more than four and a half minutes with the content. More than 37,600personalised infographics were generated and shared online with over 61,500 views and 4,500 'likes'.
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