Johnson & Johnson gave away the Grandparents Frame, a digital picture frame that is connected to the Grandparents Frame app. The app enables parents to instantly send pictures of … read morespecial moments of the grandchildren to the grandparents’ home. It allows the grandparents to witness these moments of their loved ones and connects three generations. The App is available for free download for IOS and Android devices. Several members of the same family can all send pictures to the same Grandparents Frame in the house of Grandparents. And each member can also connect to several frames and choose to send pictures to multiple frames at once. The Grandparents Frame was given away in limited supply during the period of time the campaign ran to many expat families that live away from their parents who lives away in their home country and where they come from. People can still download the Grandparents Frame App for free and purchase the frame. And ask their nearest retailer for the frame.Agency Impact BBDO Dubai
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