Top 6: August 13th 2014
unicef: unicef ROLY POLY Donation boxTop 6: August 13th 2014
Unicef Roly-poly donation box Help Children in need stand up Brief:
People underestimate the power of their little help We all know that millions of children in the world are suffering from starvation and disease. But many of us still don’t know that our little help could save their lives and make them stand up.Idea:Roly-polies that stand up by the weight of the coins Daehong, Seoul created a Roly-poly donation box representing a child who needs our help and place them at many places in Seoul. When people donate their coins into the Roly-polies lying down on the street, the Roly-polies stand up by themselves because of the weight of coins.Results:People experienced what their little help could do About 10,000 people have donated their coins and played with our Roly-polies. Also, a number of people share articles and pictures on their SNSes. Roly-poly donation boxes gave people a intuitive motivation to help children in need.
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