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Unesco: Testament - INDIAThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
In the world, millions of children are fighting wars. Most of them take place in the African continent. According to Unesco, the numbers are as high as 100 million, by research. It was necessary to create a remarkable campaign, capable of raising awareness about these children's sad reality, of spreading this issue to the world. Showing that this problem has a solution, but it can only be achieved with everyone's help, fighting for world peace. So, we needed to show that Unesco is stronger than the armies. Starting from the essence of the idea, the design was inspired in the whole graphic universe of testaments, deconstructing and inserting specific childish elements connected to each character, each story. Steve McCurry's pictures perfectly translated very soul of the idea, with real child soldiers in war zones. The design composition added a more emotive, impactful and authentic touch to the ads. We used digital illustration and manipulation, combining photographic textures and other techniques. We created something that surprised people. Testaments based on the lives of children rescued during conflicts. A very powerful text, capable of making us wonder how cruel it's a child soldier's life. In the end, we reveal that the army killed the most precious thing: childhood. The testament is, in fact, a posthumous memory of the kid's childhood. After all, when a boy or girl joins war, they're are forced to become adults. The last will is the wish every child in the world may live life fully and freely, a child's life, something the young soldiers couldn't accomplish.
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