Alcoholics Anonymous: Resumé - Black FaceThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
Ashamed of talking about their own illness. Afraid of exposing themselves. Thinking they won’t be understood. These are the main reasons that keep alcoholics from seeking treatment. But when they know the person who will listen to them is someone just like them, who has been through the same things as them, who’s had the same fears, things get easier.
This is the aim of this campaign: give voice to AA’s alcoholics, so they can talk to other alcoholics, thus creating empathy, building trust and encouraging alcoholics to seek help from people who are more qualified to help them: other alcoholics, whose only difference is having managed to rid themselves of their addiction. To illustrate our campaign, comprised of ads and OOH, we invited the Brazilian artist Diego Limberti who, in spite of using faceless figures, managed to express the drama behind every alcoholic and, therefore, draw people’s attention to the ads.
Diretora RTV - Marcia Lacaze |
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