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Web Film

Burns and Smiles: See Different

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Directed by Nicolas Galoux #Seedifferent aims to change the public perception of victims of burn incidents. Every year in France, 400,000 people get burnt, 10,000 of whom are considered as victims of severe burns. Once done with the (often long and painful) course of treatment, the first reflex of such patients is to retrieve from society, all the more if their scars are exposed for all to see. They isolate in order to avoid being seen, but also because there are no structures to assist them in resuming an almost normal life. Agency: TBWAParis.
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Announcer Supervisor: Laurent Gaudens

Agency Supervisor: Luc Bourgery

Agency Supervisor: Natacha Chevallier

Casting Director: Sonia Cascino

CEO: Maxime Boiron

Production Coordinator: Teva François

Production Coordinator: Léa Gosselin

Post Production Company: TBWA/ELSE

Post Production: Anne-Claire Girard

Retoucher: Grégory Lefevre

Color Grading: Arthur Paux

Technical Manager: Benjamin Piton

Graphics: Bastien Malmanche

SFX Make Up: Jean-Christophe Spadaccini

SFX Make Up: Katy Jones

SFX Make Up: Laetitia Quillery

Styling: Nadia Chmilewsky

Sound Production: TBWA/ELSE

Head of Sound and Music: Olivier Lefebvre

Sound Director: Fanny Mithois

Audio Engineer: Max Labarthe

Music Rights: Barthélémy Ponsot

Music: Pierre Lefeuvre (SAYCET)

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