Miguel started his advertising career at McCann London, quickly producing what Campaign Magazine would call one of the ‘Best Posters of the last 100 Years’ for Heinz, the long-enduring visual of a bottle made from sliced tomatoes, which to this day remains the brand’s end frame on all their ketchup TV ads. The ad was also published in a book entitled ‘The Fundamentals of Advertising’.
While at McCann, Miguel also produced award-winning work for Bisto, Xbox and American Airlines, appearing at One Show, Creative Circle, Campaign Big Awards. He created an ad for Refuge for which he received a personal letter of thanks from Sandra Horeley OBE, the CEO of Refuge UK for its effectiveness in fundraising and in raising awareness amongst victims of domestic violence nationwide. His work has been featured in the Evening Standard, Luzer’s Archive, and Archive.
Since departing McCann, Miguel has freelanced at Wieden and Kennedy, Anomaly, Mother, Fallon, RKCR/Y&R, BBH, VCCP.