Top 6: November 6th 2019
Audi: e-tron Room: The Future ParadoxTop 6: November 6th 2019
DDB presents Audi's futuristic technology to the public through the world's most advanced hyper-reality experience. In "e-tron room: the Future Paradox" participants travel through time, passing different tests until they reach their final destination: the future. "e-tron room: the Future Paradox" will have its first stop in Madrid (Calle San Cayetano, 5), from 24 October to 13 November from 10:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. Monday to Sunday. After finishing in Madrid, it will open its doors in Barcelona (Carrer Arago, 425) from 27 January to 16 February. To reserve a place, participants can register at, where available sessions will be opened week by week through codes that will be found on @audispain's social media after solving different riddles. Team participation is crucial, and the sessions will take place in groups of 3 to 4 people. To overcome the challenges, participants will be equipped with the latest technology, such as motion sensors and VivePro virtual reality glasses.
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