Top 6: June 15th 2022
Web Film
Cannabis Amnesty: Legalize UsTop 6: June 15th 2022
To raise awareness about the burden that cannabis-related criminal convictions have on both individuals and society-at-large, Cannabis Amnesty has partnered with Cossette and Magic Circle Workshop, to create 'Legalize Us'. The campaign is anchored by a 3:45 minute film that draws attention to the way that systemic racism in the enforcement of cannabis laws causes qualified and willing members of marginalised communities to be shut out of employment opportunities. These barriers to accessing economic activities have a negative impact on individuals, their families and their communities. Established in 2018, Cannabis Amnesty is an independent, not-for-profit advocacy organisation that focuses on righting the historical wrongs caused by decades of cannabis prohibition, particularly its impact on racialised and Indigenous communities who are overrepresented in cannabis arrests. ‘Legalize Us’ is their first campaign dedicated to raising awareness of the damaging effects that arrests and subsequent convictions can have on these communities.
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