Uber Eats: Push NotificationsThis is an archived ad - to view, please register for Bestads PRO membership or log in if you're already PRO. Ads on Bestads are free to view for the first week they appear. Register for FREE to view new ads.
With Uber Eats, it is now possible to have almost anything delivered. Need proof? The brand has something to say about everything that is sold on TV. And alongside its agency Buzzman, Uber Eats invited itself in prime time at around 8:55 pm on the biggest national French TV channel TF1 in every single spot of the ad break. No, Uber Eats doesn’t just deliver meals. For a few months now, it has been possible to order food and non-food groceries. You can get anything delivered to your home. Uber Eats has probably already reminded you of that, through one or more notifications on your smartphone… It’s with these same notifications that Uber Eats decided this time to reach out to all French people during prime time, but during other brands ads: Oasis, Carte Noire, Burger King, Extrême, Free, Celio… So many products that the brand delivers (or not) thanks to its app with a service available to more than 70% of the French population. Because we know that if it happens to pop up in front of an ad, you’ll know that Uber Eats is there to deliver to your home, dinners, groceries, coffee, ice cream and so many other things.
Vice President of Marketing David Mogensen |
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