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Top 6: July 5th 2023

Burger King: Masters Sarran

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Top 6: July 5th 2023
The quest for the perfect table is over. From 13 June to 31 July at BURGER KING®, taste the Master Burgers imagined by Chef Michel Sarran himself. These exceptional burgers will have people drooling all over, and will find fame via a 360 campaign signed Buzzman. In collaboration with Michelin-starred French chef Michel Sarran, “Les Masters du Chef” will be available from 13 June in all BURGER KING® restaurants. Three new, original recipes that promise to be full of flavour: Master Sarran Chèvre, Master Sarran Mozzarella and Master Sarran Mozzarella chicken version. The burgers will be there to delight the taste buds of even the most demanding palates. In 3 films, meet Michel Sarran, who is bringing all his know-how and high standards as a chef to BURGER KING®. And it may surprise some of you. Brigade manager, drive-through assistant or even at the kiosk, Michel Sarran is really on all fronts and doesn’t let anything get past him.
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Managing Director Alexandre Simon

Marketing Director Timothée Loizeau

Head of Marketing Marine Levy

Product Manager Sofia Nimmegeers

Media Officer Erinna Beaudron


President and Executive Creative Director Georges Mohammed-Chérif

Vice – President Thomas Granger

Managing Director Julien Levilain

Associate Director Loïc Coelho

Account Manager Fany Maupou

Account Executive Romane Bourdier

Head of Social Media Pierre Guengant

Social Media Consultant Félix Brunot

Head of PR & Communication Paul Renaudineau

PR & Communication Assistants Marie Smid & Anouck Vallez

Head of Production Vanessa Barbel

Producers Ayman Jaroudi & Morgane Gaspar

Head of Motion Théo Berdin

Motion Maxence Henriques-Hagnere


Sound Production Schmooze

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