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Top 6: May 8th 2024
Mentos wants to make people's daily lives more fun. And there's nothing more annoying than a slow internet connection. So the brand has taught Brazilians how to hack the slow internet. According to a study carried out by Dartmouth University (USA), researchers claim that placing aluminum foil around router antennas can improve the signal and reduce interference. Based on this study, Mentos created the "Wifi Refresh" campaign.
Other credits
Direção de Arte: Guilherme Costa
Redação: Luiz Otavio Medeiros
3D: Rodolfo Martins
Motion: Neco Costa
Chief Business Officer: Leo Balbi
Atendiment: Carlos Alves, Mariana Poeta, Debora Souza
PR: Paula Ganem, Suellen Ciriaco, Hellen Araújo, Ana Carolina Cesário e Gabriel Grunewald
VP Mídia: Luiza Valente,
Mídia: Marcel Santos, Bruno Abreu, Caio Campos, Mateus Moraes
CSO: Stella Pirani
Head de Planejamento: Victor Amos
Planning: Fernando Takey, Gabriel Veras, Ana Luiza Mello
Audio Producer: CANJA
Musical Direction: Eduardo Karas, Filipe Resende
Atendimento: Matheus Peres
Project Management: Ana Flor Bohrer, Flavia Medeiros, Mariana Aldrigue
Music Supervision: Bruno Vieira Brixel
Audio Production: Ardlez e Levi Mynssen de Mello
Voiceover: Bruno Vieira Brixel
Account: Rafaela Sgariboldi, Ingrid Alves, Nicole Iasbech e Pamela Novais
Sales: Thiago Bispo, Renan Della Matta, Mariana Midea e Thais Moritz
Strategy: Anna Laura Moura
PR: Felipe Vieira
BI: Caio Moraes, Rodrigo Mirangolla e Maria Fernanda Farhat