Campaign supports Noodles & Co.'s first-ever brand I.D., “Your World Kitchen.”
A site-specific wallscape with five big arrows pointing down to a trendy downtown parking lot, is … read moreheadlined, “Recipies imported from more countries than these cars.”
A stacked double billboard reads, on top, “Dishes from the Northern Hemisphere,” and on bottom, “And Southern Hemisphere.”
A billboard in Austin has three (non-functional) clocks, labeled “Japan,” “Italy,” “Austin,” and all showing the same time (thanks to Noodles, Japanese noodles and Italian pasta are right in Austin’s time zone).
In a 3-week direct mail program, newspaper home delivery subscribers receive their usual journal poly-bagged inside what appears to be a foreign newspaper—first Italian, then Japanese, then Thai. Copy (in English) says, “Travel the world without leaving your table.” On the last week, FSIs are included.
A Flash banner on international news sites displays the “hours until lunch” in, say, Jakarta, and in the viewer’s home city.
A music site banner targets anyone requesting “World Music.” It reads, “Based on your selection,we think you would like: Japanese Pan Noodles.”
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